

  • Human adenovirus (HAdV) is a non-enveloped double-stranded DNA virus.
    • There are 7 human species (A-G) and over 85 genotypes. Genetic heterogeneity contributes to diverse tropism and results in many organs and tissues infection.[7]
      • Human Adenovirus Working Group coordinates and standardizes assigning names to candidate novel HAdV, accessed 1/30/2023 at
    • Recent outbreaks are linked to types 4, 7, and 14.[9] The 2021-22 Alabama case series of pediatric acute hepatitis reported 9 cases with confirmed adenovirus infection but did not identify a single outbreak strain.[4]
  • Easily transmitted via aerosolized droplet, fecal-oral, waterborne, fomites and instruments.[10]
  • Persists in the environment may remain infectious at room temperature for up to 3 wks. Higher prevalence rates occur in regions with limited sanitation, and there is no seasonality to infection.[1]
  • Stable at low pH and resistant to gastric and biliary secretions.
    • Replicates to high viral load in the gut and can be asymptomatically shed. HAdV can persist in intestinal lymphocytes and reactivate during severe immunosuppression.[15]
    • Detection in stool often precedes detection in blood.[13] Few serotypes, i.e., subgroup C, can induce latent infection in lymphoepithelial tissue.[2]

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Last updated: February 5, 2023