Marburg virus disease
Noreen A Hynes, MD, MPH, DTM&H
- Family: Filoviridae (as are the Ebola virus species); Genus: Marburgvirus; Species: Marburg marburgvirus
- Distinct strains:
- Marburg virus (MARV): the original virus found in 1967
- Ravn virus (RAVV): genetically distinct with 20% genetic divergence from MARV
- Virus structure: Filamentous, enveloped, non-segmented, single-stranded, negative-sense RNA genome encoding: Glycoprotein (GP), the solitary protein on the cell surface and the primary target for medical countermeasure (MCM) development (vaccines, biologics, antivirals, and diagnostic tests); nucleoprotein (NP), Viral proteins (VP24, VP30, VP35, VP40), and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
- Replication: 1) The virus enters host cells via macro-pinocytosis (cell engulfs extracellular fluid and particles); 2) viral RNA is transcribed and replicated in the cytoplasm; 3) new virus particles assembled and bud from the host cell membrane, which provides the envelope for the virus
- Natural Reservoir: The primary reservoir is presumed to be Rousettus aeyptiacus, the Egyptian fruit bat. Viruses can be transmitted to humans through direct contact with these bats or their excretions.
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